Established in Tokyo in 2023, YOKOMAE et BOUAYAD is a partnership led by the Japanese architect Takuma YOKOMAE and the Moroccan architect Dr. Ghali BOUAYAD.
An international team working on projects across Asia, Africa and Europe. Our main office in Tokyo is supported by our studios in Morocco in Marrakesh.
The practice is currently designing a wide range of projects from the small scale of exhibition scenographies and private homes, the middle scale of collective housing and hotels, and to the large scale of public schools and opera halls competitions. In September 2024, against 75 international agencies, YOKOMAE et BOUAYAD was awarded the third prize for their proposal for the Japanese Sendai Philharmonic hall and memorial competition.
2024年に東京で設立された YOKOMAE et BOUAYAD は、日本人建築家の横前拓磨とモロッコ人建築家のボウアヤド・ガリによるアトリエです。
2024年9月、YOKOMAE et BOUAYADは、75もの国際的な設計事務所の中で、日本の仙台のホールと震災メモリアルの複合施設のプロポーザルコンペで3位入賞を果たしました。
2024年9月、YOKOMAE et BOUAYADは、75もの国際的な設計事務所の中で、日本の仙台のホールと震災メモリアルの複合施設のプロポーザルコンペで3位入賞を果たしました。

Takuma YOKOMAE, born in Japan, is a first class licensed architect awarded a master of architecture from Tokyo University of Science in 2012. Since then and for 10 years, he has been a close collaborator of Kazuyo Sejima (Pritzker prize 2010) at SANAA. As a project leader, he led to completion the Yoshida Printing headquarters (2014), the Tsuruoka Theater Hall (2017), and has led the development of the new Shibuya Station and the Umekita Large Canopy (2024).
YOKOMAE received multiple prestigious awards for his work; in 2010 the Jury prize for the Central Glass international competition, the Space Design competition, and the 1st prize for the Membrane Space Design competition, among others.
Dr. Ghali BOUAYAD, born in Morocco, is an HMONP licensed architect awarded a doctorate of fine arts from Tokyo University of The Arts (Ph.D, 2021). He received his master of architecture at the Paris La Villette national architecture school (Fr) after spending his final year at Kyushu University (2015, Japan).
Between 2015 and 2017 he worked with the Pritzker prize awardee Christian De Portzamparc and with Jakob+Macfarlane in Paris on social housing projects and the Paris Congress Hall renovation scheme.
From 2021 for nearly three years, Dr. BOUAYAD has been a collaborator of Kazuyo Sejima (Pritzker prize 2010). At SANAA, he participated in the design of Shibuya Station, was a co-project leader on the Umekita Large Canopy construction site in Osaka, and acted as a structure lead designer on the new maritime museum in Shenzhen, China.
In 2024, Dr. BOUAYAD was nominated by the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris for the U34 Arab World Design Prize.
2021年よりSANAAにて妹島和世、西沢立衛に師事しつつ、建築設計事務所を展開している。SANAAでは、渋谷駅街区再開発と大阪のUmekita Large Canopyの現場に参加し、深センの新海洋博物館の構造リードデザイナーを務めた。
2024年、ボウアヤドはパリのInstitut du Monde ArabeからU34アラブ世界デザイン賞にノミネートされた。